Mid-American Review
Submission Manager

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How to use the Mid-American Review Submission Manager:

Please fill out the below form, or, if you have an account, sign in to submit your work.
We read fiction and creative nonfiction up to 6000 words, poetry (1-6 poems per submission), translations, and book reviews up to 600 words.
There is NO reading fee for a regular submission, but our contests do require an entry fee.
Contributing authors will receive two complimentary copies of MAR as payment.
We encourage simultaneous submissions, but request immediate notification if the work is accepted elsewhere.
We seek to acquire First North American Serial Rights; all rights revert to the author upon publication.
MAR does not consider work which has previously appeared elsewhere in print or online, for regular consideration or for its contests.

Thank you for your patience as we read our backlog. If you would like to withdraw an individual poem or flash piece from a packet, please email us at mar@bgsu.edu and let us know which piece you wish to withdraw and, if possible, the submission ID number. The remainder of your submission will remain under consideration.

Visit our website, www.bgsu.edu/midamericanreview, for full details.
Mid-American Review
Department of English
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
(if different from above)
(500.00 KB max)
(3000 characters max)

Submission Manager
version 3.40
©2025 Devin Emke